

I pray to speak on your behalf
as you can neither say-
nor fight for rights you never had
as though made out of clay.

I'll shout on every mountain top,

"Give heed to silent hearts!"

If God would only make them stop

the murders à la carte.

If only silent voices spoke,

do you know what they'd say?

Or do you worship self and choke

the conscience you betray?

You shout of rape and incest case

as though these are the norm,

They aren't but tell me to my face

these hearts deserve the sword.

"Quality of their life!" they'll hiss

and point towards the floor 

towards the fool who lives to kiss

mom, and show her she's ador'd.

How can you say your life is blessed

when drowning out the cries

of a newborns loving request

for hugs and not goodbyes?

May I be bold and speak to those

in pride of former sins?

You've killed for fun and vainly hope

that heaven lets you in.

I thank my God that righteousness

will someday come to stay,

and pray that you'll remain distressed

until that fateful day.

For on that day you enter hell

and wish to plead your case

ponder the hearts you tried to sell

for pleasures to your waste. 

Yet if today you turn away

and give your life to Him

He'll give you a new heart this day

and wash away your sin

But don't expect to pull a trick

on Him who sets us free

For God will so blow out the wick

of them who would deceive

If Christ so lives inside our heart

He'll wash our minds as well

So best be ready from the start

to turn all to His will

Thus turn from murder, strife, and shame

and join the righteous cause

Speak on behalf of all the slain

and fight for godly laws.


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